Shnatties farewell Israel

AFTER spending the year in Israel on various gap-year programs, 150 participants from the six Zionist youth movements and Israel By Choice programs gathered last week for the annual sikkum, or closure, seminar.

AFTER spending the year in Israel on various gap-year programs, 150 participants from the six Zionist youth movements and Israel By Choice programs gathered last week for the annual sikkum, or closure, seminar.

“Sikkum means conclusion or closure, but really we were opening the participants up to the concept of translating their Israel experiences into personal and communal practicalities, as well as exposing them to some of the core communal elements that they will be encountering upon their return,” seminar coordinator Dara Podjarski said.

The seminar began with a ceremony at the Park of the Australian Soldier and Military Cemetery in Be’er Sheva, which represents the relationship between Australia and Israel.

At the ceremony, Brandon Alter, speaking on behalf of Israel by Choice participants, said his generation must learn a lesson from the heroic charge of its fellow Australians “and stand up for our beliefs and Israel’s right to exist”.

“What we have experienced in this year away from our families, friends and comforts is extraordinary maturing,” he said in his speech. “Learning to deal with our own problems and volunteering with people in need have enabled us to appreciate our lives back in Australia and respect the sacrifices made by many, both in Israel and Australia, which have made it possible for us to stand here today as Jewish Zionists, free and proud.”

The main aim of the seminar is to prepare participants for an active role in community life on their return to Australia and New Zealand.

“They have spent the year peeling away at every layer: from the Jewish world at large, to their local Jewish community, to their youth movement and their inner-self. Sikkum seminar is about putting those layers back together and becoming whole again,” Yigal Sela, Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) Israel office director, said.

The seminar was run by the ZFA, supported by The Pratt Foundation, in partnership with the Australian Zionist Youth Council and MASA Israel Journey.

Applications for 2011 Israel programs are open. Enquiries: Brendan (03) 9272 5584;;


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