Shnatties riding the ANZAC trail

AS part of the 100th anniversary of the march of the ANZAC light horse brigade in Beersheba, the Australian Zionist Youth Council (AZYC) has partnered with Kids Kicking Cancer in Israel to raise funds for the organisation.

AZYC participants in Israel.

AS part of the 100th anniversary of the march of the ANZAC light horse brigade in Beersheba, the Australian Zionist Youth Council (AZYC) has partnered with Kids Kicking Cancer in Israel to raise funds for the organisation.

Australian cycling legend Cadel Evans will head to Israel to join Shnat participants, currently in Israel on their respective youth programs, to ride the very same ANZAC trail the brigade did a century ago in 1917.

“By following the ANZAC trails by bike, I expect that it will give us a much better understanding of what our ANZAC heroes experienced 100 years ago,” Evans said.

“The bike is a great way to see and feel an unfamiliar environment, and of course, we will all be in it together in a mateship sense, something that was as underpinning strength of our ANZACS.”

The former Tour de France winner will also ride alongside his son, not just to pay homage to the ANZAC heroes but also for the good of the cause.

“I’m excited about the whole experience of the ceremony, from a historical and learning experience, to remember and celebrate our ancestors courage as, to the good causes we can help today.”

Danny Hakim, chairman of Kids Kicking Cancer and organiser of the ride, said it was fantastic for participants to actively experience the history of the trail.

“We have a lot to learn from the courage and sacrifice of our ANZAC heroes,” Hakim said.

“In a similar vein, we can learn a lot from the little heroes of Kids Kicking Cancer who are battling each day with their disease and difficult circumstances.”

It is hoped the ride will embody the ANZAC spirit in honour of the 100-year anniversary.

“The AZYC strives to continue to embody mateship, courage and endurance throughout activities in Israel and the diaspora,” chairperson Matthew Duke said.

The ride has been endorsed and supported by Australian Ambassador to Israel Chris Cannan and the Director-General of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs Yuval Rotem.

On top of this, the Maccabi World Union has announced that Maccabi Riders from across the globe would be participating in the ride.

With the end of the year fast approaching, the annual AZYC closing seminar, which brings together eight different youth movements, will coincide with the anniversary of the charge of the Light Horse Brigade.

The event to commemorate the centenary is expected to host Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

You can donate to the cause at


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