Supporting Jewish Women

Show up and unite for women’s health

Sheina Gutnick, the MC for the evening.
Sheina Gutnick, the MC for the evening.

The women of Melbourne were called upon to “Show up and Unite” on February 21 at Caulfield Shule hall.

The evening was the inaugural event for a new umbrella organisation, SEJW – Supporting and Educating Jewish Women.

Close to 300 women from across the spectrum of the community came together for an evening to showcase the organisations in Melbourne that support women’s reproductive, mental, emotional and physical health.

Spearheaded by a group of women united by a mission to educate and support all women from across Melbourne’s colourful Jewish community, the information evening was aimed at creating awareness of the support that is available.

The crowd heard from women who have experienced pregnancy loss, stillbirth, postnatal complications or prolonged infertility.

Each of the women whose stories were featured at the event, and countless others like them, were supported in some way by community organisations, ranging from counselling and support following a loss, food deliveries in times of despair, or guidance while navigating infertility within the context of Jewish law.

The organisations represented on the night included; Tahareinu, Knafayim, Orach Nashim, Tefillat Chana, the Eden Centre, Shifra, Caring Mums and Chesed Rivka.

SEJW plans to work alongside existing communal organisations and is already planning its next information evening.

To get involved or reach out for support email:

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