Students get creative in lockdown

Students and staff at Mount Scopus College have wowed the school community with impressive works of art during lockdown.

Year 7 student Chloe Marton's Lego world map.
Year 7 student Chloe Marton's Lego world map.

STUDENTS at Mount Scopus Memorial College got creative during lockdown, creating colourful and imaginative pieces of artwork as part of their Lockdown Creatives@Scopus initiative. The Loti Smorgon School of Visual Arts invited students and staff to share the masterpieces they had designed and constructed during home learning, welcoming all works for art.

Entries included photography, painting, model making, cooking, Lego, sewing, drawing, sculptures, knitting and stop-motion animation, with many students and staff revealing hidden talents.

Year 12 student Mia Penso-Rothschild’s mixed media sculpture, Egg man.

Student Chloe Marton created a world map using 12,000 Lego pieces in 10 colours, connected via 40 panels, which took two weeks to complete and reminded her of all the places she would like to travel to once international borders reopen.

Year 9 student Charlotte Cook’s acrylic paint on canvas, Tea party.

Another student compiled a collage of painting and photos to create her own personal story of lockdown, showing the craziness and flaws of lockdown along with the great things that came with it.

One staff member used textiles to sew a beautiful Shabbat challah cover, while another turned his green thumb into a series of terrariums to add to his collection.

Year 7 student Nadav Rauchberger’s Lemon Meringue cake.

Images of all the creative entries were compiled into an online gallery and shared for the entire secondary school to enjoy.

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