Talking assisted suicide
With NSW Parliament beginning to debate legalising assisted suicide, webinar on November 25 will discuss end of life issues in Judaism.
AS the NSW Parliament begins to debate legalising assisted suicide, the Rabbinical Council of New South Wales (RCNSW) is giving the community an opportunity to hear the Jewish view.
Doctor and expert in Jewish medical ethics Rabbi Dr Akiva Tatz will join oncologist and halachah teacher Sharon Galper Grossman to discuss end of life issues in Judaism in a Zoom session on November 25 at 8pm.
“This issue forces us to contemplate the very essence and purpose of life,” said RCNSW president Rabbi Nochum Schapiro.
“The RCNSW is grateful that we have secured two world renowned experts in both medicine and Judaism to unpack this highly emotional and consequential issue.”
Rabbi Dr Tatz is founder and director of the Jerusalem Medical Ethics Forum, which is engaged in teaching and promoting knowledge of Jewish medical ethics internationally.
He is the author of Dangerous Disease and Dangerous Therapy in Jewish Medical Ethics: Principles and Practice and has written a number of other books on the subject of Jewish thought and philosophy. He currently lectures on Jewish thought and medical ethics at the Jewish Learning Exchange in London and internationally.
Galper Grossman is a radiation oncologist and former faculty member of Harvard Medical School where she also obtained a Masters in Public Health and is a graduate of the Morot L’Halakha program for women’s advanced halachah learning at Matan Hasharon.
She writes and lectures on women’s health and halachah and teaches for Matan, Machon Puah and the Eden Centre where she is the director of community health programming.
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