Magen David Adom

Teddy bear hospital

Children will be able to take their teddy to triage for weighing and measuring, get an X-ray, get immunised and make sure they go home feeling much better.

MDA teddy bear hospital.

Magen David Adom (MDA) has a new initiative that aims to familiarise children with both hospital and medical treatment, as well as the work that MDA does both in Israel and around the world. The program is aimed at children aged between three and six years old.

The new program involves active participation from children as they are required to bring along their favourite teddy or soft toy, and actively participate in the check-up process in a mock hospital, acting as the paramedic of a sick and injured teddy.

Children will be able to take their teddy to triage for weighing and measuring, get an X-ray, get immunised and make sure they go home feeling much better.

MDA provides each child with a paramedic jacket, bandages, medical records, X-rays, scales and measuring tapes to help weigh and measure the teddys for their medical records.

At the end of the workshop each child will graduate with a certificate.

The teddy bear hospital can be run at school as an incursion or excursion at the MDA office, or children can take part in the MDA holiday program.

To make a booking call Rachel at the MDA office (03) 9989 3655 or email

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