Call out for submissions

The Australian Jewish Museum refreshes its Exhibition for the first time since 1995

At this challenging time for Jews around the world, we want to focus on love and celebration in our traditions and culture. 

Joan Roth, The Jewish Bride (detail), Jewish Museum of Australia Collection 11888.
Joan Roth, The Jewish Bride (detail), Jewish Museum of Australia Collection 11888.

The Australian Jewish Museum is calling out for submissions as it refreshes its Permanent Exhibition for the first time since 1995.

A museum spokesperson said, “We are calling out for members of the public to send in up to two photos or one five-minute video of their wedding or union celebration which has Jewish elements.”

The Museum suggests the images and or footage to include any of the following:

  • Breaking the glass
  • Under the Chuppah
  • Up on chairs
  • Circling bride/groom
  • Dancing in circles
  • Lifting the veil
  • Signing Ketubah
  • Sipping wine

Any other images that depict Jewish elements.

At this challenging time for Jews around the world, we want to focus on love and celebration in our traditions and culture. We want to make it very clear that we desire to see all couples who connect to Judaism in some way and include Jewish elements in their special day. Same-sex unions, mixed-race unions, and people who had a Jewish grandparent but feel connected to Judaism are all welcome.

Submissions must be in no later than Saturday, February 10.

Submission form here:

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