Visiting Nova survivors lift spirits

"The reality is, it was something that happened that you can [otherwise] see only in the worst horror movies," says DJ Jackalon.

DJ Jackalon performing.
DJ Jackalon performing.

DJ Jackalon (whose first name is Alon) and his girlfriend Noa survived the unimaginable horrors that unfolded in Hamas’s October 7 Nova music festival massacre, with pure luck being the main factor at every turn during their traumatic escape.

Many of the Israeli couple’s friends were among the more than 364 young festival-goers murdered that day, while another 40 were taken hostage.

“The reality is, it was something that happened that you can [otherwise] see only in the worst horror movies,” DJ Jackalon told The AJN on Monday, before determinedly adding, “but we must, and we will, dance again”.

Visiting Australia for the first time, Noa spoke at Sydney’s Yom Hazikaron commemoration on May 12, and DJ Jackalon performed at Melbourne’s Yom Ha’atzmaut concert on May 14.

He will headline the We Will Dance Again Yom Ha’atzmaut Sydney party this Saturday night, organised by the Zionist Council of NSW’s (ZCNSW) I-Society young adult division, and UIA NSW Young Leadership.

“I performed again in Israel from about six weeks after the Nova festival, because that’s what we’ve got to do – spread the love, and make people smile again,” DJ Jackalon said.

“Half of the crowds at those events were survivors, and I think music is the best therapy – it’s like a big meditation, in which you can really release trauma.

“So I feel it is my duty, and we’re also all dancing together for the friends that we’ve lost.

“The love and support from everyone we have met in Australia, and from ZCNSW and Zionism Victoria, is warming our hearts.”

Noa added, “We, the trance music community – and Israelis in general – are people of love and light, who don’t hate anybody, but just want to live in peace.

“Sometimes I feel the dehumanisation by a lot of nations, and feel like saying, can you really look me in the eyes and tell me that my life is not worthy and that what we’ve gone through is nothing?

“That makes me upset but I’m not the person that will go down to their level, because we [Israelis] accept everyone.”

Noa said her message for young Jewish Australians is “to be proud Jews and lift your heads high, knowing that we’re strong, we’re united, and we all know the truth.”

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