Temple Beth Israel

Rabbi Robuck takes 12-month role at TBI

His appointment follows the standing down of Rabbi Gersh Lazarow, TBI’s senior rabbi, amid allegations that he plagiarised sermons, drashes and articles.

Rabbi Gary Robuck.

RABBI Gary Robuck has been appointed to serve as rabbi of Temple Beth Israel (TBI) in Melbourne for the next 12 months, and is due to start taking services from the middle of this month.

His appointment follows the standing down of Rabbi Gersh Lazarow, TBI’s senior rabbi, while the TBI board and the Central Conference of American Rabbis investigate allegations that he plagiarised sermons, drashes and articles.

Last Shabbat, TBI farewelled Rabbi Kim Ettlinger, who has become the rabbi of Temple David in Perth after serving TBI for more than 11 years.

TBI president Joanne Loewy Irons announced Rabbi Robuck’s appointment to members in an emailed report on Wednesday afternoon.

“With this provisional support, we can provide the necessary relief to our spiritual leadership team whilst also enjoying the depth and breadth of experience from a very accomplished rabbi,” she stated.

Rabbi Robuck, a former senior rabbi of Sydney’s North Shore Temple Emanuel, has served as rabbi, chazzan and principal baal koreh (Torah reader) for congregations both in the US and Australia. The father of three is married to Jocelyn Robuck, executive manager of the Union for Progressive Judaism.

“Rabbi Robuck is passionate about service to k’lal Yisrael (the entirety of the Jewish people) and is equally comfortable when working in a variety of religious and cultural settings,”  added Loewy Irons.

Rabbi Robuck will work with TBI cantor Michel Laloum in leading services and performing other key roles at TBI.

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